Is your blue the same as my blue? Probably, but it may not be the same as Newton's. For example, Newton's indigo is the modern blue, while his blue corresponds to the color we refer to as cyan. In fact, there is evidence Newton's division of the spectrum doesn't even correspond to the colors we define by wavelengths. The modern spectrum typically omits indigo. This set includes two adorable rainbow color by number printables, guaranteed to make your afternoon a colorful one. Using a rainbow flag as a symbol of LGBT pride began in San Francisco, California, but eventually became common at LGBT rights events worldwide. These color by number rainbow worksheet are just what preschoolers need if they are learning the colors and numbers. The rainbow flag or pride flag is a symbol of LGBT pride and LGBT social movements.The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human sexuality and gender. RGB values are given for each swatch because such standards are defined. A number of the color swatches below are taken from domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. So, the spectrum was first described with seven colors, but most people, even if they see color well, can't actually distinguish indigo from blue or violet. Color by number worksheets is an important educational tool to prepare preschoolers for school. Colors are an important part of visual arts, fashion, interior design, and many other fields and disciplines. English mathematician Isaac Newton (1643–1727) coined the word spectrum (Latin for "appearance") in his 1671 book "Opticks." He divided the spectrum into seven sections-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet-in keeping with the Greek sophists, to connect the colors to days of the week, musical notes, and the known objects of the solar system.

If you want a number, it's around 445 nanometers, but it doesn't appear on most spectra. There is no wavelength assigned to indigo.